My Transformation

I was sick and tired of losing weight then gaining weight, then losing weight then gaining it back again.  I finally made the decision to GET HEALTHY by eating CLEAN and GET FIT by doing home workouts.  

My first beachbody challenge group set me on the right path for success.  I am not going to lie, I thought to myself, am I really going to get a workout in my own living room?  I mean come on, how hard can it be?  How much will I actually sweat?  Do these shakes actually help? What will it matter if I take before and after pictures and measurements? 

Once I began Insanity, and drinking Shakeology I knew the answers....HELL YES IT WORKS!!  I was hooked.  It made me become determined to succeed and committed to sticking with it!! A huge reason that it was working was the 24/7 online support system.  I was surrounding myself with people who wanted to support me in my health & fitness journey, not compete with me or bring me down.

I dropped inches off my body, dropped weight, and toned up!  For the first time in my life, I was comfortable in my own skin.  I was confident.  I was HAPPY.  And now, there is no going back!!  I actually enjoy trying on new clothes now because I am more likely to find clothes that fit me well.
I have done many different workout programs based on my goals at the time. It feels so good to see the difference and the progress but more importantly FEEL the progress I have made!! Because honestly, the change does not happen on the outside until you are ready to change from within.

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