Monday, February 17, 2014

21 Day Fix Begins!

So some of you have heard about this new program by Beachbody called the 21 Day Fix.  Well yesterday started my journey on this challenge to see what it is all about.

21 day fix, beachbody, 21 day fix program, portion control, eat healthyFirst things first...what does it entail?
  • 30 minute home workouts (with Autumn Calabrese who is an awesome motivator!)
  • Portion control eating...NOT A STARVATION DIET (Color coded containers as shown!)
  • Eating the right amount of different kinds of foods...based on your current weight
  • Proper hydration (seriously make it exciting and mix it up a bit with some ideas shown a little people!)
  • Eating 5 meals a day, about every 2-3 hours
21 day fix, beachbody, 21 day fix program, portion control, eat healthy
21 day fix, beachbody, 21 day fix program, portion control, eat healthy
Can I Cheat?...Can I have a drink?
  • Sure you can substitute one purple container for a 4oz glass of wine 3 times a week
  • Autumn gives you "TREAT" recipes that you can use to substitute for one yellow container

21 day fix, beachbody, 21 day fix program, portion control, eat healthy

But what about my SHAKEOLOGY?!?
Don't you worry shakeology can still have your shake!  And personally I prefer it because it is an easy meal to "plan" and it substitutes as a protein. Protein for me is always a weak area because I just never eat enough of it.  A great tool they give you in the book is the tally sheets to make sure you are hitting all of the proper containers throughout the day. The first week was hard to plan, I will flat out admit that, but even after a day of doing it, it is so easy to follow through!

FREE FOODS....say whattttttt?
21 day fix, beachbody, 21 day fix program, portion control, eat healthy, spicesYeah I was so excited to hear there were free foods too!  Mustards, vinegars, fresh or dry spices are just amongst a few under this category.  And thank goodness for this because I love my condiments!

What am I looking forward to the most?
21 day fix, beachbody, 21 day fix program, portion control, eat healthy, meal plan, 21 day fix meal plan
  • I am only on day two and yes I already lost a pound on the first day so clearly weight loss is a motivator!
  • I am also looking forward to learning so much more about my nutrition.  It is crazy to me that I already realized how often I was eating TOO BIG of portion sizes.  I used to eat so much oatmeal in the morning and put minimal fruit in it where now it is the opposite way around!  
  • 30 minute workouts!  I am a gym rat through and through.  I love being there, love being around people who share a health and fitness passion...but hell I can't pass up 30 minute workouts AT HOME!  I hate traveling to the gym in the snow so this will help!
 Have more questions on the 21 Day Fix?? Just ask!! 

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