Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Day 17 on the reset!

Good morning!  It is Day 17 and I have to say yesterday and today I have woke up feeling AMAZING!! I went to the movies last night and besides the fact that I was pumped to see Iron Man 3 in 3D, I was happy that my jeans were loose!  Definitely feeling the effects of the Ultimate Reset and LOVING IT!!

The food this week has been good...mostly just fruits and veggies which is hard for me at times.  I have been doing shakes for my breakfast instead of fruit and then having fruit as my snack.  I just love Shakeology as my first meal of the day! So I have been drinking water like it is my job.  The only bad part is that I am literally up every 2 hours in the middle of the night having to go to the bathroom.  SO ANNOYING!!

So with a few days to go, I am very excited to stay on track and finish strong!  Mind, Body are feeling good and I hope to keep it that way!!

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