Thursday, January 29, 2015

Superbowl Sunday- Weight GAIN or Weight MAINTAIN

Just listened to this amazing podcast from fitness trainer Chalene Johnson about Superbowl Sunday! There is research that supports people who watch football, gain significant weight during football season, especially on one particular day......SUPERBOWL SUNDAY.

Why does this happen??
We do not have dinner during games, we SNACK THE ENTIRE GAME!  And most of us drink to go along with it.  It is crazy the amount of food people eat during the season and on Superbowl Sunday.

What did the study find??
-1 out of 4 football fans admit to gaining over 10 pounds over the course of the NFL season
-16% admit to gaining 20 pounds over the course of the NFL season
-Superbowl Sunday is the 2nd biggest day of the year for food consumption in the US.  1st being Thanksgiving.

What is consumed??
4,000 tons of popcorn
8 million pounds of guacamole
14,000 tons of chips
5,000 pounds of hot dogs
beer and pizza sales skyrocket!


Fun fact: The #1 day people start their new years resolution diet??!!  

1. Workout- Clearly this one is a no brainer
2. Drink lots of water- Another obvious one!
3. Be prepared- If you are going to a party, bring food for yourself! If not, you will be sorry. 
4. Avoid the dips!- TONS of CALORIES AND FAT! Try hummus, salsa, pure guacamole! And be aware that it sits out for hours, with tons of dirty fingers in it!
5. Sit and Chat with other health and fitness lovers.- CONQUER the temptations together!
6. Eat on a smaller plate and eat with a smaller group of people- you notice what everyone else is eating when you are in a smaller group...large group you just keep eating and eating
7, Get your food last, help others, get food for the kids- KEEP BUSY!


Wednesday, January 28, 2015


These are absolutely delicious!! Hits the sweet tooth spot!

Got it from! Go check it out.

2 cups coconut butter
1 1/2 cups pumpkin puree
2/3 cup maple syrup or honey
1 tsp vanilla
1 tsp cinnamon

1/2 tsp nutmeg
1/2 tsp salt
cinnamon for dusting

Warm coconut butter in a medium saucepan over the stove.  Once it is melted, turn off heat and add remaining ingredients.  Pour into 8x8 pan and place in fridge for 2-3 hours.  you can slice and enjoy (dust with cinnamon to make it fancy!) or cut them into bars, and roll into fudge balls.

PS the picture shows a half of the recipe so if you don't want to make too many, cut it in half too!

Tuesday, January 27, 2015


Reese's peanut butter cups are yummy and quick to make!

1/4 cup melted coconut oil
2 tablespoons cocoa powder
1 tablespoon of maple syrup

Mix those ingredients together. Line mini muffin tins with liners, fill 6 of them up halfway and freeze for 10 min. Add a tsp PB in each, top with the rest of the chocolate mixture and re freeze. Then enjoy!!!

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Are all Beachbody Coaches the same??

This is a question among many others that come up often so I figured I would blog about it.

Are all Beachbody coaches the same??  NO!  

We are all different in that we have different stories, different journeys we took to where we are today, different backgrounds, and different things that motivate us to be a Beachbody coach.

Do I have to be in the best shape to be a Beachbody coach?? NO! 

Coaches can just be starting on their weight loss/healthy journey, in the middle, or at the stage of maintaining.  Coaching is about having a love and belief in the products and sharing that with others. Being a "product of the product" is one of the vital behaviors Beachbody coaches do.  We do not sell. We are not marketers trying to convince you to buy something we do not believe in.  We use the products, trust the products, thus we promote them to those who are interested!

If I am a Beachbody coach, do I have to build a business around it?? NO!

In my mind, when it comes to the financial side...there are 3 main levels of Beachbody coaching:

Level 1:  I want to sign up purely for the 25% discount on all products.  I want to be the FIRST to know about new products. I want to be able to get products FIRST!

Level 2: I want to grow a small business out of it.  Earn a small monthly income to pay off loans, help with the mortgage, be able to have "fun" spending money, etc.  

Level 3: I want to make this my full time job.  I want to earn enough through Beachbody coaching to work from home all the time.  I want to be able to build my own team, build coaches underneath me, so that my team makes an impact on others!

Do I personally even need a Beachbody coach??  YES!  
And here is why:

Will I have support when first starting out as a Beachbody Coach?? YES!
One of the best parts about being a coach is that we are all in it together.  We all want to end the trend to obesity, help others eat healthier, live happier lives.  We have personal motivations as well, but you will never be on your own.  You will be placed in online coach apprenticeship groups, go through some online training, as well as always having your own personal beachbody coach give you assistance along the way!

If you are interested in becoming a Beachbody coach, or want to hear more of what it is all about...Email me at and we can connect on what your goals are!

Wednesday, January 21, 2015


Mix together:

1 cup of oats
cinnamon to taste
dash of nutmeg
1 tsp of coconut oil
tablespoon of maple syrup
tablespoon of brown sugar
handful of almonds
handful of craisins

Spray a baking sheet with cooking spray and bake in 300 degree oven till crispy.  About 15-25 minutes.

So much better than store bought granola that is LOADED with sugar. Enjoy!

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

STEEL CUT OATS (in slow cooker)

Spray the Slow cooker with Cooking Spray so that the oats do not burn and stick to the sides.

Then combine in the slow cooker:
2 cups steel cut oats
8 1/2 cups of water
1 1/2 cups of almond milk
1/4 cup brown sugar
1/8 cup maple syrup
dash of salt
cinnamon and nutmeg to taste...I like to put A LOT of cinnamon in!

I cooked on High heat for 4 hours...then you can drizzle in a little maple syrup if you wish, nuts, raisins, you name it!  Get creative!

Monday, January 5, 2015



No matter how good they look and taste, there is no nutritional value in potato chips, Cheetos, canned soups, etc.  Get them out of the house! Removing high fat and high sugar foods means removing the temptations…especially for late night snackers!

I will be the first to admit, if there is a huge open bag of almonds, I will continue to eat handfuls and not even realize it.  Yes, almonds are a healthy fat, but NOT 5 HANDFULS!  So….solve this by having snack size bags with PORTIONS already counted out.  This way we can avoid over eating.  Do this for any type of food you find yourself wanting to constantly dig into!
Ever hear of the saying, out of sight out of mind??  Well, if we hide the healthy foods in the fridge or cabinet behind the unhealthy ones, DUH then we will clearly forget about making the right decision.  Portion it out, and put it in the front of the fridge!


Low sugar jelly for regular jelly
All natural PB/Almond butter for the kinds with sugar in them
Wheat breads for white bread
Greek Yogurt for sour cream
Mashed avocado for Mayonnaise
And the list goes on and on….
Stock up on the good stuff to snack on!
Unsalted almonds or cashews
Brown rice unsalted rice cakes
Brown Rice
Fruits and Vegetables
Lean ground Turkey

BE SMART…clean up your kitchen and get healthy for the new year!!


Blend together 1/4 cup oats, dash of baking powder, dash of maple extract, 1 tablespoon ground flax, 1/4 banana, and 1 egg.

Place in pan and place blueberries in batter if desired, flip, and enjoy! You can also top with blueberries if you wish. 

21 day fix- 1 yellow, 1 purple, 1/2 red, 1/2 orange! 

Sunday, January 4, 2015

NEW YEAR, NEW YOU!! January Sales!!

Happy New Year!

I hope you all had a safe and healthy holiday! It was a New Year’s resolution of mine in 2014 to focus on health and fitness and learn more about healthy eating.  This year as I continue on my journey, I am DETERMINED to make it my best year yet!  In 6 months I will hit 30 years old, which is all the motivation I need!  If taking your health and fitness to the next level is on your resolution list, I have some information that could come in handy :)

There are some pretty awesome promotions going on this month, Beachbody is doing everything it can to set us up for success in the New Year!

 Insanity MAX:30 has bringing people to a new level of fitness since its release last month, and now they have extended the Challenge Pack sale through the month of January. It is on sale for $180 (normally $205). For those ready for the challenge, note there is a modifier in EVERY video!
What you get:
-The 60 day Insanity MAX:30 program (yours to keep)
-A month supply of Shakeology (normally $129)
-A free month as a Beachbody Club member
-Discounted shipping!
If you want to MAX your fitness in 2015 you can get yours by clicking the link below!

The 21 Day Fix has been helping people achieve their goals, and bringing them amazing results since its release this past February. With the new 21 Day Fix Extreme scheduled to be released next month, we are discounting the price of the fix challenge pack to $140 in the month of January. This program makes the nutrition part that so many people struggle with simple, in my opinion that is why so many of you have seen success!

What you get:
-The 21 day fix workouts, meal plan, and recipes
-A month supply of Shakeology (normally $129)
-The portion container system
-A free month in the Beachbody Club
-Discount shipping

Basically you get an entire workout program, and meal portion container system, and month of shakes for just $10 more than you would normally pay for a month of shakes. AWESOME DEAL!

If you want to take advantage of the 21 Day Fix Promotion, click the link below!

For those of you who are not looking for a fitness program, but want to cleanse your body of the cookies and alcohol from the holidays, we have the 3 Day Refresh Challenge Pack. I have done this cleanse 2 times since its release in June, whenever I need a refresh, and have always seen some great results. My challengers usually see a 5-10lb weight loss, and inches to match! A day on the reset includes: 1 Shakeology, 2 Vanilla Shakes, 2 servings of Veggies, 2 servings of Fruit, 2 servings of healthy fats, and several given choices for dinner.  SO EASY!!
For the month of January the 3 Day Refresh will be on sale for $140.

What you get:

-A month supply of Shakeology
-The 3 Day Refresh Cleanse
-A free month in the Beachbody Club
-Discounted shipping!

I have personally seen great results with this cleanse, if you are wanting to refresh in 2015 you can do so by clicking the link below!


Beachbody is introducing a NEW Challenge pack this month, The Insanity MAX:30 Kickstart Package!
Basically all the good things I said about Max:30 and the 3 Day Refresh apply here, but put them all together, add a bigger discount (you save $100), and this is what you get!

What it includes: 
-The 60 Day Insanity MAX:30 Program
-A month supply of Shakeology
-The 3 Day Refresh Cleanse
-A month free in the Beachbody Club
-Discounted shipping!

This is perfect for those of you who are looking not only for a fitness program, but also a kickstart to your weight loss! If you want to start 2015 making some SOLID, good decisions, click the link below and get your MAX:30 kickstart challenge pack!

I also have a challenge group coming up in the month of January(Jan 5th starts the week of pre season), to help you maximize your results with guidance, support, motivation, and accountability! If you would like to join that group, please write me back and let me know!

I really want to help you all reach your goals in 2015, so I invite you to message me any time you need me, big or small!

Let’s make this the best year yet!

Your Coach,

Lynn Gugliuzza