Tuesday, September 23, 2014

P90- The workout program for ALL AGES, ALL ABILITY LEVELS!

This new program from the extraordinary trainer Tony Horton is one for ALL AGES, ALL ABILITY LEVELS!!  I am very excited about it this program because everyone does not want an extreme program.  At some points extreme people need to tone it down OR some need an introductory workout program into fitness.  This is exactly what this program is all about.

Tony made P90X, P90X2, P90X3 and knows what he is talking about.  He discovers the science behind everything and knows how to make workouts effective with low modification. I personally think he is HILARIOUS and makes the workouts so much fun!!  The time flies by!

Here is a video clip showing some of what the workouts are like!!!


I am really excited to see what this program is all about as I have heard nothing but amazing things!! I am excited to introduce this program to my parents who do have certain restrains with their movements but I am sure this will be something that will excite them!

From Tony Horton himself,

"P90 is the result of everything I've learned in 20 years.

Results from 90 days of P90!
Here's the key . . . In as little as 25 minutes a day, P90 will help you completely change your body—not by working you harder—but by keeping it simple. Simple cardio. Simple resistance training. A simple approach to portion control. I won't say these new workouts are easy . . . but they're a whole lot easier to get done now. And that's how P90 will help you finally get the body you want."

If you are interested, email me at Lynng258@gmail.com.  I can help you get connected with the amazing program :)

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